Right now I'm feeling The current mood of AstroAudrey at www.imood.com

Welcome to my blog! This is where I'll post updates and statuses and stuff.

09/05/24 13:37MST

This is a windows98 error sejuigher

Yesterday my school started using Yondr pouches, and I'm kinda annoyed about it. You can't use your phone when there's nothing to do in class anymore, because it's locked in the pouch, and if you didn't put in the pouch beforehand, you'll get a dean referral. You can't use your phone in the halls, etc. And it's been really annoying when my classmates just bang their pouch locks against the desks repeatedly because they're convinced it'll open if you do that. ugh

On an unrelated note, when I finished building the majority of my blog page yesterday, I went back to my homepage to copy and paste the updates I made, and realized I deleted them beforehand. What the heck 😭
In fact, while I was fixing up this page, I put the actual entry from yesterday in a temporary notepad file, and then that night I FREAKING TURNED OFF MY COMPUTER WITHOUT SAVING BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT IT!! Luckily on my laptop I still had the old page opened in my cache.

09/05/24 13:37MST

Entry One

CPU Usage: 14%